IGeneX Bartonella FISH- Evexia

The Bartonella FISH assay is designed for qualitative detection of ribosomal RNA of bacteria belonging to the Genus Bartonella.
Markers Included On This Screening
- Bartonella species: B. berkhoffii, B. henselae, B. elizabethae, B. quintana, or B. vinsonii
Screening Details
- Evexia:Order through Evexia. Please open your account here: https://www.evexiadiagnostics.com/lp/afdnp-landing-registration-page/
- Screening Type: Blood
- Shipping: See Evexia for shipping.
- Cost: See Evexia for pricing.
- MDP Order: if your client resides in NJ, or RI, please order through the MDP. The MDP fee applies: $75 USD ($65 USD for AFDNP Members).Order by filling out the order form here:https://www.fdnconnect.com/medical-director-program-order-form/
Screening Instructions
- Use the blood draw locator to find IGeneX partnered blood draw labs https://igenex.com/resources/blood-draw-site-locator/
Additional Info
From IGeneX: “The Bartonella FISH assay is designed for qualitative detection of ribosomal RNA of bacteria belonging to the Genus Bartonella. Bartonella are rod-shaped, gram-negative bacteria. The FISH test provides a significant increase in specificity over standard gram stain for the presence of Bartonella in a whole blood smear. A positive result indicates the presence of bacterium from the Genus Bartonella, including B. berkhoffii, B. henselae, B. elizabethae, B. quintana, or B. vinsonii. The presence of an organism is an indication of the presence of disease. A positive result can aid in diagnosis during the course of the disease.”
Sample Reports
Pathogen Screenings