Genova GI Effects- Evexia

GI Function, Pathogen

The Genova GI Effects is a comprehensive stool analysis that tests for commensal bacteria, pathogens, digestive markers, and inflammatory markers.

Markers Included On This Screening

  • Pancreatic Elastase-1 
  • Protein biproducts 
  • Fecal Fat 
  • Calprotectin 
  • Eosinophil Protein X
  • Secretory IgA
  • Occult Blood 
  • Metabolic Indicators: short chain fatty acids, beta-glucuronidase
  • Commensal Bacteria 
  • Pathogens: parasites, opportunistic bacteria, fungi

Screening Details

Screening Instructions

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Sample Reports

GI Function Screenings
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Genova Diagnostics