Lynn Altieri-Need, FDN-P
Lynn’s personal journey is one born from a mother’s unrelenting will to help her child. Like many of us, Lynn’s experienced her own health struggles early suffering with endometriosis, from age twelve until twenty-six, and found that the only solutions offered by conventional doctors were pain killers and eventually to have a hysterectomy. In 1996, she discovered Women’s bodies, Women’s wisdom, by Dr. Christine Northrup, M.D. and began to explore, what we now call, the “elimination diet”. She found nearly all of her symptoms disappeared through this diet. But it wasn’t just Lynn’s own health that led her on this journey to find FDN, it was the fight to get her son well!
In 2009, Lynn’s son, a healthy baby at birth, at age four began to experience between thirty to forty seizures per day. Immediately, she began exploring diet changes, such as the classical ketogenic diet, but his seizures continued. Lynn continued to research various options including IgG sensitivities, sought out chiropractors, NAET, shaman and nutritional balancing. Through hundreds of hours of her own research and the help of a D.A.N. doctor, Lynn discovered it was a “functional model” that ultimately helped her son recover and led her to FDN.
Once we identified his detoxification pathways were impaired, we applied foods in the form of amino acids and his seizures ended within 2 weeks. He has remained seizure free for over 5 years.
When Lynn started FDN she said the biggest challenge was doing DRESS® herself. She expressed it was a huge learning curve about her own health and what she could do to improve it. Now, FDN DRESS® for Health Success principles are the foundation of all that Lynn teaches to her own clients., it’s the core of her practice!
I’m convinced that lifestyle choices and diet need to be explored first: balancing blood sugar, rest, recovery, exercise/over-exercising, emphasis on stress reduction are always my first points.
Lynn’s main focus is working with children and adults suffering from idiopathic seizure disorders. Today, she is successfully working with clients all over the world! Way to go Lynn!
While FDN is the foundation of her practice, she went on to fine tune her skills in functional health, which included training in the Hormone Cure by Dr. Sara Gottfried. Lynn has taken four courses on amino acid deficiencies, organic acids, gastrointestinal and neurological interventions through the Academy of Functional medicine. Most recently, completed the Autism Mastery Course, through Dr. Kurt Woeller and now taking the Bioindividual Nutrition course through Julie Matthews
Lynn generously shared that she structures client sessions as either a one-time ninety minute consultation or three month services. Her clients receive six, one hour sessions and access to her through text and emails. Also, Lynn utilizes community networking, putting on talks at a local library or doing a three to four week series to market her business.
Lynn said, if she had one tip to give to other FDN practitioners it would be…
Find your passion, pick a specific niche and go for it.
Check out Lynn’s White’s websites: &