Practitioner Spotlight: Debbie O’Meara, FDN-P

Debbie O’Meara, FDN-P, AFDNP Member

Debbie LOVES her work!  She came to FDN because she wanted to find a way to do diagnostic labs in her clinic without needing an advanced degree.  She was diagnosed with Graves disease and Celiac a couple of years later. She has fully healed from both with no medication and stress reduction. Debbie’s greatest take away from the FDN training includes running the labs and treating with the correct supplements so that the body can heal.


[FDN] made me more aware of “walking the walk” so I can help others do the same.

Debbie works with chronic disease and conditions.  FDN has helped many of her clients to heal and overcome—especially following the DRESS protocol to get healthy and remain healthy.  Her clients enjoy being coached back to health.  Change is the greatest challenge with her clients.

Debbie has certifications from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and the Functional Medicine University, and a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Science.  Her advise to FDN-P’s:

Follow the program as designed as much as possible…run the course with people. They love the lab reports and they love the fact that we get down to the personalization of what is going on inside of them.

Debbie offers a six-month program. She meets with her clients every 2 weeks for the duration of the program. Word of mouth is her best marketing tool. She also advertises in a local popular magazine and television ads.

Debbie is scheduled to be our special guest on the Fantastic Friday Call on February 16, 2018. If you would like to ask Debbie a question during the call, press ‘1’ on your dial to raise your hand and we’ll open the line for you. If you miss the live call, no problem! You can always visit our Friday Call Archive to access them whenever it’s convenient for you.

Check out Debbie O’Meara’s website here: