Congratulations on finishing the COURSE!!!
FDN Qualifications Division
In order to promulgate and assist in upholding the highest standards in the training and practicing of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and enhance the public perception of the FDN Course and course graduates who practice FDN, AFDNP Inc. has established the FDN Qualifications Division.
The purpose of the Qualifications Division is to assist and assure the FDN training course, its faculty and staff and all certified FDN practitioners meet the highest standards in all facets of FDN.
Qualifications Division efforts raise brand recognition and public appreciation of “FDN” and, in effect, raise the value of the FDN Certification program and the perceived value of services provided by holders of FDN certification. This is of highest importance because it means the public becomes a stakeholder in FDN standards.
Qualifications Division assures that FDN practitioners working under our Medical Director Program are complying with the principles and policies of AFDNP Inc. and its strategic partners, joint ventures, supporters and benefactors, especially our Medical Director.
Qualifications Division continuously qualifies FDN Course staff, materials, procedures, policies, modalities, therapies and other features and methods in the FDN course. This includes providing additional instruction or training as needed to FDN trainees and resolving issues that may arise around that area.
Qualifications Division assures the public that anyone claiming to be practicing Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® is actually doing so according to methods and procedures taught in the FDN Certification Course or recognized by AFDNP Inc. as an acceptable FDN health coaching practice. This requires Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners (FDN-P) to comply with two specific post-grad policies. One is the requirement to pursue continuing education in the field. The other is to practice the methods and procedures that the public expects from a certified FDN Practitioner. Therefore:
- Qualifications Division will (bi-annually) determine the standing of each FDN practitioner as either “in good standing” or as “not in good standing” regarding the FDN practitioner’s maintenance of continuing education units or Professional Development Credits (PDCs).
- Qualifications Division will (annually) determine the standing of each FDN practitioner’s certification as either “in good standing” or as “not in good standing” regarding whether the practitioner is practicing FDN according to standard FDN methods, practices and procedures.
Professional Development Credits (PDC) Policy
Certified FDN practitioners are required to attain twelve (12) hours of continuing education — Professional Development Credits (PDCs) every two years from the anniversary date of graduation from the FDN Certification Course.
PDCs may be attained by attending functional health related classes, events, courses, training programs and/or expert lectures that contribute to the development of the practitioner – specifically, deepening the understanding of one or more areas of DRESS and/or the HIDDEN systems – approved by Qualifications Division. AFDNP Inc. will also offer continuing education opportunities from time to time that will qualify for PDCs.
FDN practitioners needing PDCs may want to submit a course or training prior to registering for it to see if it qualifies for official PDCs.
FDN practitioners earning PDCs from outside organizations shall submit details of the event upon submitting for Recertification and be prepared to submit additional information and/or evidence of completion if requested. If PDC’s are earned through courses or classes provided by AFDNP Inc., the FDN practitioner’s file will reflect participation, however the practitioner will still be required to officially submit for Recertification.
AFDNP Membership meets the entire professional development component of the requirement, however practitioners are still required to officially submit for Recertification.
Failure to meet bi-annual PDC requirements may place the FDN practitioner’s status as “not in good standing.”
FDN Methods, Practices and Procedures Policy
FDN is a step-by-step system of identifying and eliminating hidden stressors and dysfunction using functional lab work. Step 1 is to use the functional lab tests taught in the course to identify healing opportunities. We do not diagnose or treat specific conditions. Rather, we work non-specifically on everything, the same way the body heals naturally. As such, we do not treat test results.
Step 2 is to provide recommendations for each individual based on that individual’s health complaints, history and test results. We educate clients about what needs to be fixed and how they might fix it.
Step 3 involves coaching clients on how to adopt health-building behaviors including the DRESS for Health Success® self-care system.
In short; Step 1 – run labs, Step 2 – provide a functional interpretation about what needs improvement and how to go about it, and Step 3 – help clients adopt behavior requirements over time and fine tune the process.
The public is receiving more and more education on what FDN is and how certified FDN practitioners are “supposed” to practice. They are seeking FDN services and are aware of our methods, practices and procedures – as advertised by our Public Division. The public has expectations and will know the genuine article when they experience it. Likewise, they will easily spot the counterfeit.
FDN Practitioners “in good standing” shall enjoy all the benefits and privileges that good standing brings. This is no small thing as the FDN family expands.
The Qualifications Division reserves the right to place a practitioner as “not in good standing” if alerted to any FDN Practitioner breaching the tenants of FDN via methods, practices, and/or procedure requirements. FDN practitioners determined to be “not in good standing” may have lab privileges revoked under the Lab Service Agreement. They may be restricted from using the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) moniker, FDN logos, trademarks and any other intellectual property considered an exclusive privilege of FDN practitioners who are in good standing.
Standing designations may also apply to FDN trainees who do not make sufficient progress in the course. Trainees who are not in good standing will be placed on “Leave of Absence”.
Note on Network Marketing:
It is vitally important to the integrity of our certification that graduates calling themselves FDNs are actually working within the FDN methodology of running labs, using the data to create customized and robust DRESS Protocols, and coaching the client through the protocol through a series of follow-up appointments. MLM products tend to be “systems” within themselves, wholly divorced from our framework and methodology. We have yet to see a multi-level product that does not overstate the benefits of using that product. The purpose of an MLM product company is to build a downline and pay off the guy above you. There is no assurance that the purpose being served is the best interest of the client. This presents an untenable conflict of interest for us, as we strive to bring the highest level of integrity to our client work and serve their best interest first and foremost. You may use MLM products as part of a series of robust recommendations outlined in your DRESS Protocol, informed by lab work, and that you fully believe will be of benefit to the client. You may not advertise yourself as an FDN Practitioner only to provide an MLM solution that is completely outside of our methodology. Use of MLM products with FDN clients outside of the FDN Methodology will result in the stripping of your “in good standing” designation. It is up to us as individuals to protect the integrity of our certification and our excellent standing in the wellness community. What we do as individuals reflects on the whole.
Website and Social Media Compliance Policies
On your website and social media, when using the phrase Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® or the term DRESS for Health Success® or Metabolic Chaos®, you must use the registered trademark symbol (®) as you see here. The HTML code for this symbol is ® The terms FDN and D.R.E.S.S. do not need the trademark symbols.
The phrase Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® cannot be used in the title of courses offered. However, it may be used in a subtitle as in this example by a personal trainer who is an FDN Graduate: “Better Assessments for Better Outcomes: How Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Took My Personal Training Business to a New Level”. If in doubt, please submit your title, event, document, etc. for approval.
FDN produced blog and article clause – Any article or blog written and owned by AFDNP Inc. (including those displayed on are copyrighted and not to be copied or reproduced without permission and proper recognition of the document’s owner, source and origination.
You may use individual slides from the FDN Certification Course if you make it clear that they are from the FDN Certification Course and not your own material.
Create a “backlink” to on your website and tag @FDNtraining on Instagram. Doing so will add credibility to your FDN status and provide valuable background for the FDN Services you provide.
You may borrow expressions and text from FDN websites but do not cut and paste. Express the same information in your own words. Where you mention “FDN” or “Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®” on your home page, make that a live link to which will offer a complete description of “What is FDN”. Again, this “backlink” adds credibility to all FDNers.
The following guidelines and suggestions will help you establish or expand your FDN business:
The proper full name for your FDN “credential” is “Certified FDN Practitioner”. If you would prefer to have an abbreviated version attached to your name, the appropriate format is FDNP. Example: Jane Doe, FDNP.
Per the FDN “distance coaching” business model, it is essential that you have the ability to process credit cards over the phone. If you have not yet established this in your practice, set up a business account with PayPal (or other merchant account), or contact your bank for credit card processing capability.
You should have an established pricing policy (know what to charge and express it clearly) but do not list it on your website. Instead, make it easy for potential customers to contact you so you can speak to them.
**Please note that use of the FDN trademarks and moniker, logos and self-reference as an FDN practitioner, are available to you as long as your certification is kept current per the PDC policy.
Entering/typing name in the signature field below, you testify that you not only have finished all of the course requirements but that you also understand the principles of FDN and will be able to apply these principles with your clients as you work in the capacity of a certified FDN Practitioner.