Practitioner Directory › Lux Healthstyle

Lux Healthstyle
Del Castillo
(512) 890-1581
Austin, Texas 78737
UTC-12:00 - Baker Island Time
Area of Specialty
IBS- Heal your gut, skin and hormones
Demographics of Typical Customers
Short Professional Bio
I struggled with chronic health issues like psoriasis, arthritis, IBS, bloating, fatigue, headaches and major brain fog, even forgetting the names of my friends... for years!
I TRIED “healthy fixes” and trendy diets, but I didn't get the same results as others.
Have you ever tried to follow a diet plan that worked for your friend, and you just felt worse? I've been there!
We are all bio-individual and not one formula works for everyone.
I finally found my PATH TO HEALTH by working with labs to solve my health puzzles- finding Metabolic Chaos© within (all of my hidden stressors) and working to heal: healing my gut, listening to my body when it comes to what exercise program works for me, shutting down limiting beliefs, doing activities that bring me joy and prioritizing my self-care. I made my health a priority, because I am the only one that can make that choice.