AFDNP Strictly Business Protocol Webinar Guest Agreement and Topic Selection

We have a monthly webinar series called ‘Strictly Business‘ where our host and AFDNP Director Lucy McKellar interviews our affiliate partners on a variety of business topics to help enhance the knowledge, skills and growth of our AFDNP Community! AFDNP and the Guest agree they will work to provide high quality continuing education training for health professionals during any of the webinar series.

  1. The Guest agrees to provide the services required in preparing and presenting a 45-minute training session or workshop.
  2. We welcome you to include information about any programs or products that might be of value to the group in your presentation. The guest agrees to make education the main focus of the presentation and limit any advertisement to the last 1-2 slides of the presentation.
  3. If a product, service or program will be promoted during the presentation, the speaker agrees to ensure that FDN is set up as an affiliate to receive affiliate commissions related to any sales as a result of the presentation promotion.
  4. In the event that the Guest cannot provide services due to illness or any other event not under the Guest’s control, the Guest will attempt to provide an alternative. The alternative must be approved by AFDNP.