Practitioner Spotlight – Danyelle Demchock

Danyelle Demchock BA, FDN-P, CTMA®, NASM®

Danyelle was led to FDN through her desire to learn about functional medicine, underlying causes that create diseases if the body is kept in that state, subclinical assessment of the body, and a desire to help her clients to learn more about their bodies and start being the CEO’s of their health  and well-being.

Applying FDN to her own health, over time, has ultimately led to her to be a better detective with her own body. She has optimal health and knows what that feels like, so when something is off or if she is experiencing any symptoms, knows to immediately address the underlying causes. Danyelle shared the hardest aspect of  DRESS for Health Success® currently is being consistent with supplements. She shared that she will start to feel better on them and then when she does, will forgot to take them. She adds that she still needs to bring more consistency and that it’s a work in progress.

“It has empowered me to stand for what wellness is and not to fall captive to the medical model as my only resource!”

Danyelle said her main take aways from FDN training were — “Common” doesn’t mean “normal,   a comprehensive understanding of how the body works, and subclinical assessment of what is really happening underneath the surface. An education that differentiates her from many other nutrition coaches…because she can provide tests that show what is going on in her client’s bodies.

Danyelle works with many clients that are successful, stressed out, overworked, Type A women that know they need a change but don’t know where to begin but will do anything to feel better.  She adds, they know they can’t keep on keeping on this way. Her practice with FDN has helped them get clear with their bodies, when no one else could help them. She says that it gives them hope that it’s not all just “in their head”. It teaches them what health and wellness really look like. It brings them back into their bodies and into their lives in a more meaningful and connected way.

Danyelle shared her biggest challenges when working with clients is their willingness to see and do things differently. She believes the most successful clients are willing to do and see things differently. If they remain attached to old paradigms that got them where they are today but they want to change using that same paradigm, it doesn’t work. She feels this is why the transformational coaching work helps to move them where they are to where they want to go.

“We want to honor the old paradigm and create a new one that will work in moving them towards the life and body they are desiring.”

Danyelle graciously shared how she structures her practice and services with us.  Her FDN services are integrated into a three month program that includes MT. She chose this time frame because it gives the client an opportunity to establish a nutritional foundation, commit and start to become educated about their body and how it works for them.   She advised that she see’s patterns of underlying belief systems that come up as you work over the three months and believes addressing these underlying belief patterns, of what is working or not working for them, is essential to their success!

“Helping people really understand what is going on in their bodies. Empowering the client around what is “common” but not “normal”, which is something that Reed really is so clear about explaining in his program..”

Danyelle’s top tip for her fellow FDN’s is to follow what excites you about this work!  She adds, if there are “should’s”, when talking about your business or what you think you ought to be doing…that is probably not the next right thing.

Along with practicing as an FDN-P, Danyelle has been a professional modern dancer for over 15 years in NYC.  She is a certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor, a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach for the last 12 years, CHEK Practitioner, Certified Yoga Instructor and Ballet Instructor.  Also, Danyelle is currently studying Z-Health which is a neuroscience approach to exercise.

Danyelle is scheduled to be our special guest on the Fantastic Friday Call on June 2nd, 2017. If you would like to ask Danyelle a question during the call, press ‘1’ on your dial to raise your hand and we’ll open the line for you.

Visit Danyelle’s website:

Check out Danyelle Demchock’s ebook: