Fantastic Friday Call – Ask the Mentors!!
Date. November 6, 2020
Show Notes.
- Can going through the pathogen eradication causes sleep issues? It seems likely to me if the liver gets overburdened with all the toxins. I’m curious what others think.
- Caller: Help with constipation while on a pathogen protocol
- I tend to have sleep issues that I’m working on fixing with FDN principles. I’ve been avoiding sugar since getting my test results but last night I ate some Halloween candy before bed and slept 9 hours without waking up once! Before then I was waking up early and not getting enough sleep. Can anyone explain to me why eating sugar would help me sleep better? I know that sugar isn’t good and I’m starting my 90 day protocol today and giving up sugar. But isn’t it weird that I slept great after eating more sugar than usual?
- What’s the body brain diagram Reed talks about in module 8?