Fantastic Friday Call – Ask the Mentors with Brandon and Ryan!!
Date. July 17, 2020
Show Notes;
1. I’m doing my MRT test and it says ” All of the items on the ordered MRT profile will still be tested, but the EATING PLAN Oxford provides will account for other types of adverse food reactions.” What eating plan are they talking about? Also- I’ve been gluten and dairy-free for 10+ years, never tested for food sensitivities, I just listen to my body and know these cause me major issues… will this affect my MRT?
2. I am studying for my practical 1. I am looking for information regarding ideal scores in regard to clients’ Mc scorecard or physiological aspects chart. Being that these are all individuals points per client how do you come up with ideal scores? I would just think less is better. Where can I go to uncover this thought?
3. Caller: How to address a client’s prescription drugs.
4. Caller: Tips to mitigating EMFs.
5. Hey friends and #mentors, I’m starting module 6 and have lots of people who have expressed interest in my services once I’m certified. I’m looking for advice on how to maintain communication with them and also generate new interest starting RIGHT NOW. I’ve considered starting a Facebook page, but I don’t have a business name yet. What are some things that have worked for you? #forwardthinking #planahead #advice #businesstips