The Mindful Nutrivore
Boulder, CO
UTC-7:00 - Mountain Standard Time
Area of Specialty
Demographics of Typical Customers
Short Professional Bio
Hi! I’m Ryan Monahan, FDN-P Level III, NBC-HWC, Clinical Advisor, and Certified AIP Coach.
I have a passion for uncovering hidden stressors that contribute to thyroid disease. Throughout my journey, I spent over 10 frustrating years visiting more than 40 health professionals to find answers to my chronic health complaints until being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2012. Since then, my mission has been to change the dialogue about chronic disease towards a holistic, functional approach while helping others restore their health to normal function.
Typically, my clients are people who have struggled with finding relief from their autoimmune symptoms. Oftentimes, they feel that they’ve “tried everything”, and that traditional medicine hasn’t served them. In my experience, there is a better way.